Pole tekstowe: During World War II the activity of parish church in Stany was suspended by Nazi officials and the church from 1801 was moved to Stalowa Wola. That church is still in Stalowa Wola as the first church in the city and it is dedicated to St. Florian. The work of rebuilding the parish and first of all a new church what is the basic place of worship, was taken on by the after war parish priest Roman Dobrzański. He was nominated as a parish priest in Stany in 1946. When he came to Stany, he saw nothing but a devastated village with no church buildings. The loss of the parish was estimated to 7429 Krones. In the note from the 21 st October 1946 Dobrzański wrote: “ At the time of taking the parish destroyed by the invader on the 20 th October 1946 I found nothing.” Then rebuilding of the church, presbytery and other buildings was started.
In the next years different types of work were done both inside and outside the church. In 1956 the exterior walls were covered with boards as a votive offering to the Virgin Mary and the second ceiling was done inside. The church was painted in 1964. The painting was designed and made by Prof. Marian Stroński from Przemyśl. In 1975 the church was consecrated. On that occasion new twelve voice pipe organs were installed in the choir and a new armored tabernacle in the main altar was founded. In the same year a new belfry was built and a new 350 bell was bought.
The post-war church served the local community for several decades. It was being constantly restored and repaired, i.e. in the early 80’s the wooden floor was replaced with a concrete one. However it became not sufficient to fulfil religious practices. There was not enough space for increasing number of people and it was very cold in winter. It has been retained until now and it is next to the new brick church built in 1981—1984. During the last few years the following work was done: 
In 2006 the outer walls were preserved,
in 2007 The frames and the painting of Saint John Gualbert in the main altar were renovated.
in 2008 The crucifix, earlier situated in the so called “rainbow” was renovated.
In 2010 The electrical installation and lightning rod were changed with the financial support of Samorząd Gminy Bojanów, Wojewódzki konserwator and Starosta Powiatu Stalowa Wola.
 In 2012 the roof was changed and its structure was repaired.
 In 2014/2015 the wall and ceiling polychrome was renewed.
In 2016 the side altar of Our Lady of the Rosary was restored.
Description by:
Ks. Zbigniew Mistak
Archiwum Parafialne, Tom: Protokoły/Sprawozdania, sprawozdanie nr 3 z 26-11-1956 r.
Korespondencja z dnia 15-06-1964 r. do Kurii Biskupiej w Przemyśli, (archiwum parafialne)
Archiwum Parafialne, Tom: Protokoły/Sprawozdania, sprawozdanie nr 8

Pole tekstowe:  Parafia  św. Jana Gwalberta i św. Tekli  
Stany, ul. Grębowska  14, 37-433 Bojanów        
Pole tekstowe: History and renovation  of the old church 
in  Stany
Pole tekstowe: Zobacz galerię z prac remontowych.
Pole tekstowe: 	Sponsorami programu wymiany poszycia dachu byli: 
Samorząd Gminy Bojanów, 
Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków,
Urząd Marszałkowski w Rzeszowie.
Stowarzyszenie „Lasowiacka Grupa Działania” w ramach Europejskich Funduszy na program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich. 
Ministerstwo Finansów z Funduszy Europejskich